Heritage Christian Doula Care

My focus as a doula is helping you prepare for and enter your birth from a place of peace. Whether you are here for prenatal education, birth, or postpartum care, at HCDC you will receive professional support from a fellow Christian mother and your sister in Christ.

About Abby

Hi there! I’m Abby -  Catholic Christian wife, mother of two little girls, and a professionally trained doula. I believe that as women, we have a responsibility to support each other in accepting and stewarding the gift of new life.

I have personally experienced birth as a beautiful encounter with God, and an opportunity to learn surrender and trust in an unparalleled way; I have also experienced birth as a moment of great fear, doubt, and pain.

My heart for doula work is to help more and more women have peace-filled, holy births that bring them closer to God.

About Abby

I love hearing the testimony of a good birth story. Each birth is so unique and reveals something of God’s goodness and the incredible capacity He has given women in the role of mother. Anyone who knows me will tell you that I can easily talk for hours on all things birth, pregnancy, and motherhood.

When I am not serving other mothers as a doula or continuing to learn about all things childbirth, you will find me caring for my own little family, hiking or running in nature, trying to master a new skill (sourdough is my current kitchen project!), studying Scripture, or hosting friends for dinner.

As your doula I am here to encourage, educate, and accompany you as you enter the sacred work of motherhood.

About Heritage Christian Doula Care

About Christian Doula Work

Women are made with an incredible capacity as stewards of life, and God equips each us for every good work that He gives us to do. As a Christian doula, I support you physically, emotionally, and spiritually as you bring new life into the world. 

Women throughout history have found that there is incredible value in having another woman who is experienced in childbirth, come alongside them to offer prenatal education, as a well as support during labour and postpartum. In labour, there is nothing like looking into the eyes of someone who honestly understands the kind of experience you are going through, and completely believes in your ability birth your baby.

About Christian Doula Work

When you hire me as your doula, you can count on professional birth support without any new age philosophies thrown into the mix. I love the natural birth world and the growing number of women finding their God given ability to birth babies as nature intended.

However, I believe that we draw our strength from God alone, and that preparation for childbirth, like all parts of our life, should be approached from a Biblical perspective. The role of a doula is to support, educate, and encourage you in whatever kind of birth you plan, and whatever circumstances come your way.

I would love to give you the support you need to bring your baby into the world with a heart full of trust in the Lord and the strength He has given you to mother.

About Doula Care
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